21 Mar Mini Vacay At Home
Mini Vacay + A Few of My Favorite Things
Trying to stay calm and busy while at home during this time of COVID-19. I have found myself working on projects around the house that I have put off for a while. Although there still is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety with what is happening, I’ve tried to take this time to catch up and focus on projects here at our house. It’s also Spring now….What an opportune time to reset and reboot!
Not only is it a great time to catch up on your To-Do lists at home, but also it’s a great time to relax and chill! We have been watching movies and catching up on tv series and shows, too!
As we are all staying home at this time, I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway on my Instagram and Facebook on “A Few of My Favorite Things” that are geared towards a Mini Vacation at Home! The items are listed below that are being given away. Check out my social media accounts, Instagram & Facebook, for more details, dates and how to enter the Giveaway!
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Did you know that laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress? Laughter is great for your Health!!
Here’s a list of my favorite movies that I could watch over and over again and they’re sure to give you a good laugh along with side of romance.
We’ve been Binge-watching Ozark on Netflix this week and catching up before the newest season begins next week.
Other “Binge-worthy” shows I’ve watched are:
- Broadchurch
- The Crown
- The Handmaid’s Tale
- The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
- Homeland
A Few of My Favorite Things
I hope you enjoy “A Few of My Favorite Things” below. In hopes of bringing a little happiness and fun to you! Make sure to hop over to my IG & FB accounts to enter the “A Few of My Favorite Things” Giveaway. When the contest ends, the winner will also be announced on my Instagram & Facebook, too.
AWAY The Mini
I have really enjoyed my AWAY luggage and recently purchased the Away “The Mini”. It’s so cute and the hard outer shell case makes it perfect to put valuable necessities in for your travel.
The Mini travel-size suitcase is made of the same durable polycarbonate shell as their full-size suitcases. The tiniest of AWAY suitcases is so adorable and a perfect size for your tech travel necessities or to stow precious skincare products, travel essentials or toiletries!
Slip Pure Silk Pillowcase
As much time as we spend sleeping, our faces and heads should have a glamorous pillowcase to rest on!
SLIP Pure Silk Pillowcases are luxurious, but also really great for your skin and hair.
- Help prevent “bed head” so our hair blowouts can last longer
- Help prevent the “sleep crease” on your face and shown to reduce stretching & tugging of your skin
- Anti-aging by absorbing less moisture and products from your face than other fabric pillowcases
Before I purchased the machine washable SLIP Pillowcase brand, I purchased a couple of other brands. I’ve found that the Silk brand is much higher quality and more durable. My Silk pillowcases lasted longer from many washings vs. the other brands that started to tear and shrivel.
Trio of Relaxing Aveda Products
Aveda is the Art and Science of Pure Flower and Plant Essences. I have always loved the fragrance of Aveda products and have used these products for many years. I’ve included these below in A Few of My Favorite Things Giveaway.
If you are interested in purchasing these and also receiving 15% off your Aveda order, Click HERE